“Small, But Significant Changes”

This week’s changes are described as “small but significant” by Rustafied. This doesn’t even begin to cover just how big these changes are for our players! Based upon how our players tend to build–particularly with the appearance of small, hidden bases. Starting after today’s patch, you only see the “Building Blocked” message if you have a deployable or building tools in your hand, meaning that simply running past a small house hidden in some rocks won’t give up its location.  Additionally, when building anything, the game now checks not just player location, but the actual building location, meaning you can no longer stand just outside of tool cupboard range and build inside a build radius.  This means less need to place piles of cupboards outside your building perimeter, and a little more forgiving build, particularly in rough terrain.20160907181556_1

On the topic of raids, online raids just got a lot easier.  Prior to today’s patch, reviving a player was a slow, often buggy process where you’d have to stand, staring at a downed player, unmoving, and VERY close to them, because if they squirmed the wrong way, it would break the revival mechanic.  No longer!  Revives are a little faster, and don’t break so easily now, so that if you’re in a firefight, it’s a lot easier to get your buddy back up and into the fight.

Finally, and of benefit to everyone, Grass Displacement is back in the game after a year-long absence! What this mechanic does is it smooths out and pushes down the grass around you in the environment, making it look a little more natural as your character pushes through the grass–and more importantly, it makes it easier to see dropped items in grass.  No more losing your gun to the grass demons after a death or excess ammo during a long craft session and inventory overflow!

Today’s update has yet to deploy, but we should be seeing it within the next couple of hours!

One thought on ““Small, But Significant Changes””

  1. So, it seems that Grass Displacement is turned off by default. I’ll try and get that turned on ASAP. Sorry for the delay!

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