26 January Update

Rejoice, Rustians!  It’s update day, and we’re seeing a whole host of great new additions.

Update Notes:

First of all, and of monumental excitement to me:  Skins are (supposed to be) coming back!  In addition, we’re seeing the very early phases of the game made far easier, with tweaks to recipes, crafting times, and the ability to find low grade fuel in oil barrels! Several weapons have had their crafting times cut in HALF to include: Assault Rifles, Bolt-Action Rifles, Semi-Automatic Rifles & Pistols, Thompsons, and Custom SMG’s. Arrows now take 25% of the time they did before, and we’ll also be seeing the craft time for bear traps and turrets reduced significantly!

It’s not just time we’ll be saving, though–Double Barrel Shotg
uns, Mines, Metal Barricades, and Bone Knives all got cheaper this update. How much cheaper is still a little bit up in the air for some of these items, but we know that they’re cutting down the component cost on a lot of items, including the complete removal of components from Landmines, less blades for Barricades, no springs for grenades, and so on!

The biggest change comes with the continued work to the farming system: Watering your plants now not only expedites their growth, but dramatically increases the yield of those items. If you’re watering your crops, you can see up to 40 cloth per hemp plant, 3 pumpkins per vine, and 6 corn per stalk! Couple that with last week’s clippings system and genetic families, and you can find yourselves producing MASSIVE amounts of food, even in a cave, with very little effort.  What a marvelous modern time we live in!

There are a number of smaller changes, all discussed in greater detail over at rustafied.com, but this looks like it’s going to be another very positive update.

Fort Williams Update:

Each day, I’ve been restoring about 50% of destroyed mines and turret ammunition and around 10% of taken loot. With today marking the half-way point through the wipe cycle, restorations cease–but there will be slow, steady upgrade starting at the fabled Armory treasure room, and spreading outward through the fortress.

As of last night’s survey, about 60% of the defenses have been destroyed, 40% of the prize loot has been taken, and around 80% of the buildings have been entered/raided. Several little tricks and secrets are still in place, and the main loot room is untouched.

To date, the Fort appears to have claimed 62 lives, with 34 turret kills, and 28 landmine kills. Animal and cold related deaths that happened on the island are not tracked.

I’ve included a poll on the forum where you can share your feedback and vote for future non-player raids at this link.